Follow-up tests What can I eat? IgG total or IgG4
After prescreening, follow-up tests can be done to see which foods from certain groups you can and which are best left out (temporarily).
Nutrition screening small What can I eat?
€ 99,-
Should a food allergy come out during the pre-screening, the nutritional screening can...
Milk and Egg Screening What can I eat?
€ 119,-
As a follow-up to your pre-screening, it is recommended that you test for the milk and egg growth...
Grains and Nuts What can I eat?
€ 159,-
As a follow-up to your pre-screening, it is advised by testing for nutritional screening clay...
Meat and fish What can I eat?
€ 159,-
As a follow-up to your pre-screening, it is recommended to test for the meat and fish group,...
Fruit and Vegetables What can I eat?
€ 297,-
As a follow-up to your pre-screening, it is recommended that you test for the fruit and vegetable gr...
Daily's What can I eat?
€ 256,- € 297,-
This food intolerance test identifies 88 everyday foods.
Total What can I eat follow-up test?
€ 877,- € 699,-
This food intolerance test identifies 280 foods.