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  • No referral needed from your family doctor
  • Compose your own research
  • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

Control testing (35)

Have you been exposed to toxins? You can measure them in your blood. Occupational health and safety services test for high-risk substances during your work. Will you get your driver's license back from the CBR? Do you use cannabis or other substances, you can have it checked beforehand in j


    • THC-COOH (blood)

    THC-COOH (blood)

    € 89,-

    The release of cannabis in adipose tissue to blood remains measurable for 2-7 days.
    Because the afi...

    • Arsenic


    € 79,-

    This blood test is done to assess whether someone has been exposed to too much arsenic.

    • Cadmium


    € 39,-

    Test to assess whether a person has been exposed to too much cadmium. In most patients and...

    • CBR alcohol test for psychiatrist

    CBR alcohol test for psychiatrist

    € 59,-

    If you order this test your results will go to the specified psychiatrist. If you only want the ...

    • CDT test HPLC

    CDT test HPLC

    € 65,-

    In a rare congenital transferrin variant, and a valid CDT determination is with the s...

    • cholinesterase and dibucaine fluoride

    cholinesterase and dibucaine fluoride

    € 59,-

    Pseudo cholinesterase in serum dibucaine fluoride number should be tested if you are using b...

    • Confirmatory drug screening

    Confirmatory drug screening

    € 99,-

    If any of the drugs appear positive in urine, an additional test is performed to unde...

    • GenX HFPODA


    € 219,-

    Monitoring exposure on GenX. GenX is a chemical used in the...

    • Artificial grass PAK

    Artificial grass PAK

    € 87,-

    The RIVM study shows that in rubber crumb there are many different substances in rubber...

    • mercury in blood

    mercury in blood

    € 39,-

    If you have amalgam fillings and you suffer from teeth grinding then it may be that the vu...

    • Lithium


    € 19,-

    Lithium is an effective drug for the treatment of patients with bipola...

    • Lead


    € 58,-

    Lead in blood determination. To determine the presence of possible lead poisoning,...

    • No referral needed from your family doctor
    • Compile your own research
    • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

Have you been exposed to toxins? You can measure them in your blood. Occupational health and safety services test for high-risk substances during your work. Corona antibodies IgG in your blood are examined by a Laboratory. Will you get your driver's license back from the CBR? Do you use cannabis or other substances, you can have it checked in your blood or urine.

Various types of monitoring research

The above and more blood control tests can be found in this category. From cannabis to lead. But also various Covid-19 coronate tests, antibodies after vaccination and other CBR control tests can be found in this category. Do you currently have covid or have you had covid? These control blood tests will give you answers. Or just recently received a vaccination for diseases such as hepatitis A or B, chicken pox, whooping cough, corona, rubella, mumps or other disease that can be vaccinated against and want to know how your antibodies are doing? Have it measured in your blood! Of course, you'll also find all kinds of different types of CBR alcohol and drug screening tests in this category.

Measuring is knowing. Test your blood today using one of the control blood tests from!

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