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Slow-acting thyroid: Graves' disease ( 3)

Discover the signs of Graves' disease with our specialized thyroid tests. Easy to order online, no referral needed. Reliable results through local lancing points. Learn about symptoms such as palpitations and weight loss.


    • TSH, Free T4 and FT3

    TSH, Free T4 and FT3

    € 69,- € 59,-

    If you have a thyroid gland that works too slow or too fast, are you tired all the time or can't manage to...

    • TSH Receptor

    TSH Receptor

    € 57,-

    The test determines the presence of and TSH receptor antibodies to thyroid cells. Ve...

    • anti-TPO


    € 39,-

    This test is performed to detect autoimmune thyroid disease; ANTI-TPO ant...

This "Graves' Disease" subcategory is specifically aimed at detecting antibodies associated with this thyroid disorder.

Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system produces antibodies that stimulate the thyroid gland, leading to overproduction of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism). The test targets TSH receptor antibodies that often have a stimulating effect on the thyroid gland.

Important aspects of this test include the simplicity of ordering without a doctor's referral, the possibility of composing your own tests, and the presence of pricking points throughout the Netherlands. The cost of blood collection including test kit and shipping is set at €21.90, with the option of contacting customer service for assistance.

Symptoms of an overactive thyroid due to Graves' disease can range from palpitations and weight loss to nervousness and excessive sweating. The presence of TSH receptor antibodies may indicate this condition, with increased production of thyroid hormones such as free T4 and T3 being observed.

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