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  • No referral needed from your family doctor
  • Compose your own research
  • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

How does it work?

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  • Results
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Make your choice

Choose your research. Choose by complaint or by test, you can combine all tests. Usually up to 10 examinations can come out of one tube. You can choose your own examination, a referral from the doctor is not necessary. You can also request a quote.

or ask for free advice from


Receive your customized test kit by mail to your home address. The tubes have a barcode linked to your research. The tubes are specially prepared with liquid for shipment. Check your information.


Go with your referral letter and test kit to a nearby needlepoint if it is an intravenous blood test. The blood will be drawn by professionals. Have all the tubes that are in your test kit filled.

Send on

In the Netherlands, medical mail is very well regulated by PostNL. Because of the included prepaid packaging, it becomes medical mail. Just mail the collection material with lab form as a letter, not registered or with track & trace code.


Within a few days to a maximum of 10 business days, you will receive the results by e-mail. No one else receives these results, unless you give written permission. For results that require immediate medical follow-up, you will be called first.


Blood Value Test works with several health coaches and specialists and therapists who provide complementary care. Use your results to improve your health.

The website provides more information about the results.


(085) 065 37 47
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Europaplein 1
5684 ZC
Best, Netherlands
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